Find here the most frequently asked questions to Stop Ecocide International
I already support environmental causes. What’s different about this one?
Stop Ecocide is not in competition with other causes - it supports them all. If ecocide is made a crime, every other environmental campaign will benefit, because the dangerous industrial activity damaging so many of Earth’s ecosystems will have to be revised at source. This is one reason we ask for a one-off donation (although you can make it recurring if you wish). We’re aware many people have particular causes dear to their hearts - and with a small one-time gift you can also support this fundamental legal change which will make your favourite cause so much more powerful.
What is achieved by becoming an Earth Protector?
1) Visibility: The Earth Protector count at the bottom of our website goes up by 1! Your name and country appears on our public list and an extra green heart with your name on it goes on our world map of Earth Protectors. More signed up Earth Protectors demonstrates to governments, industries and member states considering proposing or supporting a crime of ecocide at the International Criminal Court that there is weight of public opinion behind them.
2) Funding: You help crowdfund expert legal, practical and advocacy assistance for climate-vulnerable states progressing ecocide law at the International Criminal Court. This helps the rest of the world benefit from a law of ecocide.
3)For Activists: You will receive a unique Trust Fund document in your name which shows that you believe that damage and destruction to the Earth and its inhabitants is a crime. If you are, or decide to become, a Conscientious Protector taking non-violent direct action to protect the Earth, this document carries legal weight in some contexts. For more information, see HERE.
Why must I pay to become an Earth Protector?
Because your funding support actively moves the campaign forward - essentially, you are becoming a committed and paid-up member of the campaign (but unlike most memberships you can choose whether to pay once or make a regular donation).Of course, you can sign our ongoing international petition without charge - and we’d love you to do this anyway.
You can also donate anonymously, or sign up to our mailing list.
Does Stop Ecocide have charitable status so that I can benefit from tax relief?
Yes, our charitable entity, the Stop Ecocide Foundation is based in the Netherlands and has charitable (ANBI) status for global donations.
For UK charity donations only: you can donate via the Earth Community Trust HERE. -
Where do my sign-up funds go?
Sign-up funds cover expert legal assistance, practical and advocacy costs of small climate- and ecocide- vulnerable states progressing ecocide law at the International Criminal Court, as well as related activities directly progressing the law. See Article 3 of the Trust Fund document. -
Why must I sign up/donate in Euros?
This is because the Earth Protectors Trust Fund is held in the Netherlands, and so is the Stop Ecocide Foundation which manages it. -
Do I have to be over 18 to become an Earth Protector?
No - you can sign at any age. This is an open trust document that anyone can sign, so your children can sign up too! They must each have a separate email address to become an Earth Protector. -
Can I still become an Earth Protector if my country isn’t a member of the International Criminal Court?
Yes you can! We would urge you to encourage others in your country to become Earth Protectors and to recommend your government supports an international law of ecocide by joining the ICC. -
Can I gift Earth Protector status (campaign membership) to others?
We advise you to inform the recipient if you do this, because you must provide their name, location and email address even if you provide the means of payment. The Fund into which donations are made is based on a globally validated "open trust" document which results in a searchable list of donor (Earth Protector) names, so consent is essential. It's all about nailing your colours to the mast! -
How can I encourage my government to support this law?
We suggest writing to your elected representatives as well as encouraging others to do so.
If you are part of an organisation or company, encourage them to support our manifesto.
Most of all we encourage you to talk about ecocide and ecocide law in your social and professional networks. The word and concept are extremely powerful, and helping to grow the public conversation around ecocide actively helps pressure governments to act. -
What else can I do?
So many things! Check out our ACT NOW summaryWant to be even more involved? then please contact us at: volunteers@stopecocide.earth
Why does our social media not focus on all of the ecocidal atrocities taking place internationally?
Other people do this very well already. We are focused on a concrete legal solution to stop the harm, especially at the international level, and the narrative relevant to that. -
What does the symbol in your logo represent?
Our logo is based on the rune symbolising “protection”, as well as a tree, a person, the Earth and the widely-known symbol for peace. It is, in symbolic language, peacefully standing up as an Earth Protector.